Thursday, June 20, 2013

Atone of forgotten sorrows
ring in my ear.
I can not remember,
the origin of this
poignant sadness,
that overshadows
this hazy world.
The memory has left,
but the spirit resides.
A ghost in the mind,
stalks me from
beyond comprehension.
A time that is long past
lingers by my side.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Birth first, then fear of the ever consuming darkness that follows. Embraced like a long lost friend. Put aside in the thoughts of men. For if it cannot be changed, what use to dwell upon it? A sadness tags along. We think we know what happens after it greets us, but none can be sure. And there is the reason melancholy lies with it. For what is it worth, that we should; struggle, overcome obstacles, triumph, have statues built in our image, or create lasting inspiration in the minds of men? In the end, it all comes to naught. A hollow victory, if ever one existed. To not know and never learn, until it is too late. What a waste of time. What a waste of breath. What a waste of everything til the death.
If I was taken seriously,
I would seriously reconsider
who's taking. What can be
taken from words? What can
be lost but time? What answers
do questions give? The silence that follows
gives the answer to all. So let's put on
some fancy coats, and head to work.
Stay busy til it's time to sleep, then
let's do it again. Serious business,
Serious lives, sour hearts, and
big heads, culminating in an end
not so sweet or profound.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

A bubble, within a body of blood and corporal meat,
fills with ego, self doubt, and worries.
Slowly expanding til
Lift off!
Rushing to the surface,
like a drowning man
hoping to suck in
that sweet air.
Clumsily flailing or
Synchronized swimming?
Treading water til the sea collapses muscle, taking it back for it's own.
Another victim throws it's bones to the collection.
Head for horizons,
to a land unseen,
where legends live.